
In Elliott Hall, MCTFR has multiple spaces, and each of these spaces comes with its own set of things to think about.

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Confidential Distruction & Recycling

The Central Office has a permanent shredding bin specifically for HIPAA-level confidential shredding, available for use at any time.

If you have larger cleanouts or need bigger bins, work with the Central Office team. They'll help you figure out what works best for your needs and take care of ordering the materials.

Facilties Management (FM) Issues

For maintenance concerns, please reach out to the Central Office at N218, (612) 625-2818, or [email protected]. The Central Office will then take care of reporting the issue to FM on your behalf.

When reporting an issue, provide:

  • Room/Area: In the case of a hall, specify the nearest room number.
  • Issue: Include as many pertinent details as possible.

For additional information, you can visit the Department of Psychology's Intranet.

Moving & Renovations

Collaborate with the department's Office Manager to streamline communication with Facilities Management for coordinating renovations and furniture relocation.

Please note that processing these types of requests might necessitate an account string.